Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 4 ~Nicaragua, Nuevo Amanecer & Bolsa

Tuesday, March 10th:
Group 2 arrived back from San Ramón at about 11:30 a.m. to eat lunch with us. It has been so much fun to hear all about their experiences and tell them about ours. We went back to Chacraseca. Our group "The Suciecitos" got to take a nice, cold, and extremely refreshing shower.

It was so great to have wet hair in the hot weather. We left immediately after lunch for the house we are building. The road was like a roller coaster, sooo narrow, steep, dusty, and bumpy. When we arrived at the house, we met Señor Ernesto, another abuelito y Señora Teresa, another abuelita. Tambien, Kenin, Exequile, Katarin, and the mamá Amada, her husband, Señor Rafael (the family we are building the home for ~La familia Torres Mayorga). They are amazing and the boys loved to play soccer. Abuelita cut up delicious watermelon and mango for us and at 2 p.m., we began work.

We learned so much! They showed us how to mix cement, which is so different from how we do it in the states. You sift rocks and the powdered cement into a pile, and then pour water into the center of the volcano shape. Slowly you put dirt from the outside onto the rim until it is all absorbed. It was so interesting to learn! The workers sure did get a kick out of our students! Once the cement was done, we moved four huge piles of dirt from inside the house to the outside to level the ground. The heat and dust were overwhelming, but we had so much fun talking to the workers. Juan was very playful. He felt in love with my girls.

We finished work at 4 p.m. and went back to the house. The students played soccer with the boys. Everyone loved it there! The Abuelitos' house felt like we were in a resort, except for the massive amounts of dust blowing everywhere! We got to relax in a hammock, Shari and Mike brought us dinner of Rice and beans.

Tonight we had a special friend "Rosita" who taught our students how to Dance Salsa. They had such a great time Salsa dancing! Rosita was as impressed as to how quickly our students learned to salsa dance. We went to bed at 10:15 p.m. - a late night for us! The students slept outside and I slept inside in the hammock at Abuelitos' house. I am afraid my suciecitos got FREEZING cold sleeping outside.

In the morning, we heard all kinds of stories from our students. Britt woke up with an enormous horse standing next to her. A laughing bird was perched in the tree above the circle where the students were sleeping. The roosters were crowing, dogs barking, some growling, and pigs oinking! All of the students agreed that it was the worst night of (non)sleep ever! The next night they all slept inside Abuelitos' living room, since it was going to be another cold night.

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